Wednesday 4 January 2017

FIFA 16 Improved Transfer Mod 0.9

Current Version: 0.9
Now with ModdingWayInstaller
Mod State: Released & Improving
Save Game compatible with ongoing Careers

New changes in 9.0

Players that have be bought can only be bought again after 1 and 6 months (cpu) and 1 year (PLAYER)
Players grudge to team lowered
Teams will now renew 90% of all contracts at the end of the year (less free transfers for big names)
Teams will now extend player contracts with longer term
Club will now take 10% from player sales (for finicial strictness lenient now 90%)
Reduced Player Retirements

New changes in 8.0

All remaining Transfer Budget will NOW be taken over to next season.
All players with potential now cost 10% more

Transfer Changes
Transfer Activity – Now nearly all teams are active in transfers
Increased amount of negotiations
Teams will now bid on your players more and waiting limit removed before they will bid.
Teams will reply quicker to your bids
Increased Transfer competition: Now all teams are active you may want to bid a little more to make sure the player comes to you.
Player Wage Demands Less: In FIFA16 players wage demands are way to high, edited it to make more realistic

Financial Strictness (How much of player sale goes back to transfer budget)- Lenient 90% , Moderate 80%, Strict 70%
Budget at end of season that carries over to new season is now 100%

Player Values
Player positions values – tweaked to give a more realistic value, so the values of different positions is a lot less
Young Age vs Old Age – tweaked so that young players cost more and ageing players cost less
Top Season Players – Players that are top scorer’s, top assister, top cleansheet and 2nd in all cost more to buy for next season

Player Contracts
Number days of renegotiation now 1 week instead of 2
Teams will now renew expiring contracts a little bit more

Player Retirement
Min retirement age older: Players will not retire so young

Other Edits:
Scouts Cost a little less
Teams will not spam buy Attackers as much
A few other small changes that are not major to list here.

1/ Add all files inside your FIFA16 folder \Origin Games\FIFA 16\
2/ Launch ModdingWayInstaller
3/ Done! (Quickest way to see if mod is installed: Financial strictness lenient should be 90)

Thank You and Enjoy this mod.


Supplied Over 20,000 people with my Fifa Mods Smile
Extra Thanks to Ariel & Moddingway Team for Installer
Thanks to Moddingway & Soccergamming community and users to make this possible.

Feedback & Suggestions Welcome
If you have suggestion, feedback or notice things that might be able to improve this mod,
have requests and ideas please let me know so we can improve our FIFA experience together.


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